Kwazel Maw

The Kwazel Maw was a large aquatic predator that was native to the swamps of the planet Rodia. During the Clone Wars, the Gungan Jar Jar Binks encountered one of these creatures while on a mission to Rodia, which he befriended and named "Bogey." Bogey helped Binks secure the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's capture by toppling his shuttle.


A Kwazel Maw in its swamp habitat

A Kwazel Maw in its swamp habitat

Kwazel Maw were giant aquatic slugs who lurked at the bottom of the swamps of Rodia. Their skin served as a major distinctive feature, highlighted by glowing bioluminescent markings and offering enough resistance to deflect blaster bolts and even some missiles.

The large creatures had cavernous mouths which it used to roar. When opened, it would allow them to consume larger prey, even the size of a humanoid, whole. Their yellow eyes had eyelids that would close when sleeping underwater. They had multiple appendages at the front and back of their body and a large tail.

Despite naturally inhabiting swamps, it appeared Kwazel Maw were equally comfortable on land.


During a Republic mission to the planet Rodia, Jar Jar Binks discovered and eventually befriended a Kwazel Maw.

Binks travelled to the planet with Padmé Amidala and C-3PO to discuss the continuation of Rodia's allegiance to the Republic with Senator Onaconda Farr. Unbeknownst to the trio, they were being led into a trap devised by Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to capture Amidala. After Binks learned of Amidala's arrest, he rushed to her rescue, donning a Jedi robe that he had found aboard her ship. He was soon discovered by Gunray and his accompanying battle droids, however, and escaped underwater via a grate.

Binks and "Bogey" together

Binks and "Bogey" together

There, Binks discovered a Kwazel Maw, and only just managed to escape the beast. Later, however, Binks found himself underwater once more, this time evading a missile that had been fired by a B2-HA super battle droid. In the process, Binks came face-to-face again with the Kwazel Maw, and was swallowed whole by the creature, only for it to shrug off the missile and then release the Gungan. With the beast seemingly friendly towards him, Binks affectionately stroked its hide and dubbed it "Bogey."

Later, as Amidala and C-3PO were set to be executed by Gunray, Binks distracted the droid executioners and was then assisted by Bogey, who launched out from underwater and destroyed a number of battle droids, with Binks on its back. As Gunray looked to flee amid the confusion, Bogey toppled his shuttle, the Lapiz Cutter, off the edge of the hangar, cutting off his escape route. Gunray was then arrested by Amidala and Farr, while Binks was commended for his bravery, with Bogey looking on.

Behind the scenes

The design of the Kwazel Maw was based off an unused Ralph McQuarrie design, which was originally for a swamp slug creature on Dagobah.







