Kuseph Jovi

Kuseph Jovi was a fictitious male individual that Republic Senator Padmé Amidala created for her cover story while searching for her lost handmaiden on the planet Batuu in 19 BBY. The senator mentioned Jovi when talking to another human about her H-type Nubian yacht and when the bartender Janott asked of her business, describing a trade with the made-up man involving the starship.


Padmé Amidala fabricated Jovi as a part of her cover story while on Batuu.

Padmé Amidala fabricated Jovi as a part of her cover story while on Batuu.

When searching on the planet Batuu for her former handmaiden Duja in 19 BBY, Senator Padmé Amidala spoke to another human there about her H-type Nubian yacht and asked him if he knew Kuseph Jovi as a part of her cover story. The man assumed the fabricated individual was female, making Amidala wonder if he knew of Duja and assumed Jovi was her. The senator subsequently referred to Jovi as him, detailing a transaction with the false individual regarding the starship. When the human asked of the price Jovi was paying, Amidala denied any knowledge of the detail.

Amidala was directed by the other human to a cantina in Black Spire Outpost, where the bartender Janott asked of her business. She told the bartender that she was looking for Jovi, and Janott told her that there was no one there by the name Kuseph Jovi. Amidala then described her business with the starship, speculating that the made-up man may come from off-planet and questioning why he had picked Batuu to meet.

Behind the scenes

Kuseph Jovi was mentioned in the 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances, written by Timothy Zahn.






