
The Krozurbians were a green-skinned sentient species native to the Krozurbia system, near the Centrality. At one point in time, they engaged in a war amongst themselves for two hundred years. That conflict was finally ended due to the intervention of the Ithorian scientist Zorneth, who supplied the Krozurbian War Council savorium-fed thookahs. Savorium was a drug that produced a pacifistic euphoria in its consumer, and the effect of steaks made from these thookahs on the Krozurbian War Council led them to embrace peace and end their war.

Biology and appearance

The Krozurbians were a sentient species with green skin. The Krozurbian head was dominated by a large snout with a corrugated bridge. Their expressive mouth had two large, white, canine teeth on both the upper and lower jaws, betraying their carnivorous diet. Their snout curved back to two beady eyes, which were white or red with black pupils. Their eyes were recessed under a heavy brow, and the Krozurbians also had a bony growth on each side of their snouts, partway toward the back of their heads. On the top of their heads, and running down their spine, were a series of blue scales. The Krozurbians were bipedal, and their hands had three fingers and an opposable thumb, while their feet had two large toes.

Society and culture

Krozurbians wore various items of clothing, such as trousers, tunics with piped shoulders, and gloves. For footwear, they wrapped cloth around their lower legs and feet. The Krozurbians also wore various accessories such as bandoliers, utility belts with numerous pouches, and blaster holsters.


The Krozurbian War Council embraces peace

The Krozurbian War Council embraces peace

The Krozurbians were native to the Krozurbia system. This system was located in the Shadola sector, a part of the Outer Rim Territories just north of the Centrality. Around 206 BBY, internecine warfare broke out among the Krozurbians.

That state of conflict endured for two hundred years, until the Krozurbian War Council consumed thookah-steaks made from thookahs raised by the Ithorian scientist Zorneth. Zorneth had worked with the botanist Klorr Vilia when the latter discovered the savorium herb, a drug that produced in its consumer a pacifistic rapture. After Vilia inadvertently succumbed to the drug's effect, Zorneth continued researching the herb. The Ithorian fed savorium to thookahs; as a result, consumption of the animals' meat produced the same euphoric effect as consumption of the herb. Zorneth's first herd of savorium-fed thookahs were sold at market to a Krozurbian buyer at a loss, ostensibly in order to leave market quickly. The meat from these thookahs eventually became thookah-steaks that were fed to the Krozurbian War Council, and ultimately had a profound effect on the species: the War Council embraced peace, ending their intractable war.

Behind the scenes

The Krozurbians were created by Jan Strnad for his comic book series Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt, published by Dark Horse Comics in 1995. They were illustrated by Bill Hughes. An unnamed merchant appeared in issue 1, before the species' name and history were fleshed out in a flashback panel in issue 4. Their home system was later included and placed in The Essential Atlas.






