
In 32 BBY, the woman in charge of the refineries, invited to the Chommell sector summit on the planet Naboo hosted by newly-elected Queen Padmé Amidala, sent her son Tobruna to represent her. Amidala was not insulted, although she suspected that had been the intent, as she found dealing with children closer to her in age more straightforward. During the negotiations, Tobruna brought up that Kreeling was obliged to send their best ores to Naboo so the planet's artisans could use them to decorate instruments, and Amidala agreed to lift the obligation, hoping to make less flashy instruments more popular. Late in the summit, the Kreeling distaste for gloves led Amidala's handmaiden Sabé to impersonate her after Amidala snuck out to see a concert and spilled the contents of a glitter-lit on her hands, which would not wash off easily.

Kreeling was first canonically mentioned in E. K. Johnston's 2020 novel Queen's Peril.

Behind the scenes

Kreeling was first canonically mentioned in E. K. Johnston's 2020 novel Queen's Peril.






