Korseg IV


Korseg IV was a remote planet that occupied the fourth orbital position in the Korseg system, a part of the Grohl sector in the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet's sub-temperate climate zone included a lattice-work of mountains.


During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance maintained a base high in Korseg IV's mountains. The facility, known as Flare Base, contained highly sensitive information in its computers. At one point, the Galactic Empire discovered the location of the base and dispatched a Strike-class medium cruiser to attack it.

Arriving in the Korseg system, the cruiser traveled directly to Korseg IV and was detected by Flare Base's sensors. While the base raised its deflector shield and began evacuation, the Rebel soldiers present at the facility prepared to engage the incoming Imperial ground force in battle. A dropship dispatched from the Imperial cruiser and carrying an All Terrain Armored Transport walker as well as a company of troopers landed five kilometers north of the base. The Alliance forces attacked the Imperials and prevailed in the subsequent confrontation.

Behind the scenes

Korseg IV was first mentioned in the 1992 West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, authored by Bill Smith. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Korseg system, and therefore Korseg IV, in grid square R-16.




