Kor Vella Cantina

The interior featured a long bar, where a bartender sold beverages. Along the walls were several booths with tables and chairs where people could sit down and drink. A door behind the counter led to a small back room where music instruments, loudspeakers and other equipment for live acts were stored. Another room in the back of the cantina wasn't in use and empty as of 1 ABY.

Among the regular customers of this cantina were the criminals Lasha Bindari, who worked for Shalera the Hutt, and Skinkner, who worked for the Black Sun syndicate.

The cantina in Kor Vella is one of the typical cantinas in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. The developers used the building model that was also used for most other cantinas in the game.

Like all cantinas in the game, it features a bartender that sells a small selection of drinks as well as various Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of random gender, appearance and professon. There are also two NPCs that give out short quests: Lasha Bindari and Skinkner.

Behind the scenes

The cantina in Kor Vella is one of the typical cantinas in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. The developers used the building model that was also used for most other cantinas in the game.

Like all cantinas in the game, it features a bartender that sells a small selection of drinks as well as various Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of random gender, appearance and professon. There are also two NPCs that give out short quests: Lasha Bindari and Skinkner.






