Koong (general)

Koong was the main antagonist of the MyComyc strip Sabotaged Droid. He shared the same name as that of Bisad Koong, although he possessed a notably different appearance. Rich Hadley, when covering the strips in his StarWars.com Blog Droids and Ewoks return: Spain's lost Star Wars strips, mentioned that Koong was most likely intended to be a different character due to his holding the title of General instead of Governor.

Behind the scenes

Koong was the main antagonist of the MyComyc strip Sabotaged Droid. He shared the same name as that of Bisad Koong, although he possessed a notably different appearance. Rich Hadley, when covering the strips in his StarWars.com Blog Droids and Ewoks return: Spain's lost Star Wars strips, mentioned that Koong was most likely intended to be a different character due to his holding the title of General instead of Governor.



