Konkeel pie

Konkeel pie was a type of dessert pie made and consumed by the Hewett species that was highly toxic to humanoids, known for even being fatal at times. At some point by 32 BBY, while at a banquet hosted by Hewett senators, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn nearly took a bite of the pie before fellow Master Adi Gallia stopped him. The Hewett senators took the pie off their menu, apologizing to their humanoid guests. Around a year later, Jinn recounted the story of Gallia saving his life to his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, though he left out the details, forcing Kenobi to ask Gallia for further explanation of the Konkeel pie tale himself.

Konkeel pie was mentioned in Jedi Emergency, the fourth installment of the Star Wars: Episode I Adventures series, which was authored by Ryder Windham and published in 1999.

Behind the scenes

Konkeel pie was mentioned in Jedi Emergency, the fourth installment of the Star Wars: Episode I Adventures series, which was authored by Ryder Windham and published in 1999.



