Kitel Phard vase

Kitel Phard vases were glazed pottery vases with patterned imprints that were made under the Kitel Phard dynasty. At the height of the Galactic Empire, a single vase could fetch 250,000 credits when auctioned. Some time between 13 BBY and 10 BBY, Crimson Dawn acquired a crate of vases bearing imprints in the style of the Kitel Phard Dynasty from a raid on a warehouse belonging to Latts Razzi's criminal syndicate. Qi'ra was assigned with cataloguing the syndicate's new acquisitions and determined that the vases were counterfeit. She also noted in Maz Kanata's Smuggler's Guide that the vases came with a tableting bearing the mark of the White Worms. From this, Qi'ra determined the vases were a sign that Proxima's White Worms were doing business with the Razzi Syndicate in violation of their terms with Crimson Dawn and recommended swift and merciless retaliation for the disloyalty.

Behind the scenes

Kitel Phard vases were first mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide written by Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide



