
Kikipi was a king who put himself on currency within the Toong'L system after its secession from the Galactic Republic and resultant rejection of the Republic credit in 22 BBY. Offered with an introductory one-to-one exchange rate by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, this currency quickly became worthless; after eight months, a single Republic credit could buy fifteen million King Kikipi credits. According to economist Argee Beck, the Kikipi reserve was nothing more than a room filled with Wocket Festival ornaments.

Kikipi was first mentioned in HoloNet News Vol. 531 47, an article on the HoloNet News website in 2002.

Behind the scenes

Kikipi was first mentioned in HoloNet News Vol. 531 47, an article on the HoloNet News website in 2002.



