Kelita valley

When the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong attacked Mandalore during their invasion of the galaxy, in retribution for the Mandalorians' actions against them, the Kelita valley suffered significant damage: more than a decade after the battle, swaths of the valley's land lay dead, poisoned by the Yuuzhan Vong.

In 41 ABY, while staying on Mandalore to learn how to stop her Sith Lord brother, Darth Caedus, Jedi Knight Jaina Solo met with the former Jedi-turned-Mandalorian Gotab near Bralsin, on a granite hill overlooking the Kelita valley. There, Solo sought spiritual advice on how best to deal with her fallen brother from the elderly man who had been both a member of the Old Jedi Order and the Mandalorian warrior clans. While talking, the two enjoyed the scenic view of the valley, and watched groups of flying avians that made the valley their home.

The Kelita valley first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the eighth entry into the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel series, Revelation, written by author Karen Traviss and published February 26, 2008. The valley later received a mention in the series' final novel, Invincible, written by Troy Denning and released several months later on May 13, 2008.

Behind the scenes

The Kelita valley first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the eighth entry into the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel series, Revelation, written by author Karen Traviss and published February 26, 2008. The valley later received a mention in the series' final novel, Invincible, written by Troy Denning and released several months later on May 13, 2008.






