Kalasaad Woztu

Kalasaad Woztu was the Prime Minister of the Outer Rim planet Vorzyd V, which was famous for its gambling, by 22 BBY. In the same year, the galactic tourism industry declined, decreasing the number of tourists visiting usually crowded vacation spots. Casinos, including the ones managed by Woztu, were not affected by the drop in business. In an interview published in the CoCo District Edition of the HoloNet News, Woztu reflected that the beings in the Vorzyd sector felt lucky amidst the downturn.

Kalasaad Woztu appeared in "Leisure Industry Suffers Record Losses," an article written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and published in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #52 on the HoloNet News website on April 18, 2002.

Behind the scenes

Kalasaad Woztu appeared in "Leisure Industry Suffers Record Losses," an article written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and published in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #52 on the HoloNet News website on April 18, 2002.



