Kadir (Tarisian)

Kadir was an elderly Human male who worked as a janitor in the Upper City's South Apartments on the Outer Rim planet Taris in 3956 BBY. The quality of Kadir's work was often complained about by the tenants of the apartments, but he claimed to do his best with the equipment available to him. That year, he encountered former Sith Lord Revan, who had the memories of a Republic soldier. Kadir answered Revan's questions and directed him to local areas of interest.

Early life

When he was young, Kadir enjoyed spending time at the Upper City Cantina.

When he was young, Kadir enjoyed spending time at the Upper City Cantina.

Kadir was born on the Outer Rim planet Taris, where he lived in the Upper City. During his younger years, he frequented the Upper City Cantina, which he viewed as a good place to get a drink and hear about current events in the Upper City. Aware of the swoop gangs running rampant in the ecumenopolis's lower levels and content with his life in the Upper City, Kadir avoided the planet's Lower City.

Kadir never left his homeworld and eventually found himself working as a janitor in the Upper City's South Apartments complex ring. The complex was occupied by non-humans forced to live there illegally by Taris's speciesist policies. The residents of the apartments were generally wary of outsiders asking questions, but were not bothered by them speaking to Kadir, as the residents viewed him as harmless and bordering on senile. Despite this, Kadir often received complaints about the quality of his work. This frustrated the man, as he claimed to do the best he could with the few resources at his disposal, and his requests for better equipment and an assistant went unanswered.

Jedi Civil War

Kadir performs his duties as a janitor in the South Apartments.

Kadir performs his duties as a janitor in the South Apartments.

In 3956 BBY, during the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire was attacked above Taris by the Sith fleet. Following the battle, several escape pods from the Spire crashed across the surface of Taris. One of these pods contained Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan, who was an important part of the Republic war effort due to her powerful battle meditation ability. Wanting to prevent her escape, the Sith military occupied the planet, declaring martial law and quarantining the entire world.

Several days later, Kadir was approached by the amnesiac Sith Lord Revan, a survivor of the battle overhead who had the constructed memories of a Republic soldier. Revan had been directed to Kadir by Larrim, a Twi'lek vendor who ran a kiosk in the apartments and had informed Revan of the locals' misgivings of outsiders. Kadir initially warned him not to walk on the floors that had just been cleaned, but eventually agreed to answer Revan's questions about himself and the planet, recognizing him as an off-worlder trapped by the quarantine and the new tenant of an abandoned apartment. Kadir advised Revan to avoid the Lower City and gave him directions to both the Upper City Cantina and the adjacent equipment emporium run by the Human Kebla Yurt. When asked about the ongoing quarantine, Kadir acknowledged the frustrations of the trapped off-worlders, but explained that it was not a problem for him. He again directed Revan to the cantina, explaining his lack of knowledge on the subject and letting Revan know that people there would be more willing to talk about the topic.

Eventually, the incumbent Dark Lord Darth Malak grew frustrated with the length of the search for Shan, and ordered the orbiting fleet to decimate the city-world. The orbital bombardment destroyed the vast majority of the Upper City, where Kadir lived and worked.

Personality and traits

Kadir was an elderly Human male with blue eyes and light, wrinkled skin. He had receding short, gray hair. Kadir was content with his life and job on Taris. He never left the planet and never planned to do so, causing him to be unconcerned during the Sith occupation and quarantine.

Kadir was friendly to others and attempted to help them, even with his self-admitted lack of knowledge. He was perceived by the residents of the South Apartments to be harmless and near-senile, thus not drawing attention, despite the residents' general mistrust of outsiders. As a janitor, Kadir would grow frustrated when his work ethic or the quality of his work was looked down upon, such as someone insulting him or walking across floors he had recently cleaned. He was annoyed by his requests for better equipment and an assistant being consistently denied, knowing he was already doing his best but was still receiving complaints.


Kadir wore a white and blue tunic with beige pants and a brown utility belt. He also wore green gloves, brown boots, and had minimal janitorial equipment that he used to the best of his ability.

Behind the scenes

Kadir appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare. Interactions with Kadir are optional and do not affect plot, quests, or alignment. Some potential dialogue options upset the man, and if Republic soldier Carth Onasi is in the player's party when these options are selected, he will chide Revan for antagonizing Kadir and asks them if they would like to live in filth. If the player speaks with Kadir again, they can ask Kadir who he is, causing the latter to display frustration at Revan not remembering him. After upsetting Kadir, the player may return to him and apologize, causing Kadir to assure Revan there were no hard feelings.



