
K-4O5 was a KX-series security droid who wielded an electrobaton. He worked for the Galactic Empire on Coruscant. The droid escorted Cal Kestis before punching him very hard in the stomach after he made a joke about a stormtrooper calling him a "terrorist" insinuating the trooper had said it to the droid instead. He then dragged Jedi Cal Kestis the rest of the way to Senator Daho Sejan. The droid later found Kestis and caught him off guard, throwing him off a roof top while he was escaping Sejan, and then faced off against him in a fight. However, K-4O5 was overpowered by Kestis and Bode Akuna, being destroyed in a fight by the two of them.


K-4O5 collected the fugitive Jedi Knight Cal Kestis from Bode Akuna, a member of Kestis' crew, disguised as a Coruscant Security Force captain. The droid instructed Akuna to stay behind, attempting to alter the pre-existing arrangement, but Akuna refused. K-4O5 brought Kestis and Akuna into a lift containing a stormtrooper, where Kestis insulted the droid. K-4O5 punched Kestis and exited the lift, dragging the captive along.

The droid continued to display unnecessary roughness towards Kestis, prompting a warning from Akuna. K-4O5 retorted that "the senator" merely specified that Kestis remain alive, which he was. K-4O5 then brought Kestis before Imperial senator Daho Sejan. Sejan asked the droid if the sector was secured, which K-4O5 confirmed before leaving with Akuna.

Kestis ultimately escaped but was ambushed by K-4O5 upon exiting a narrow space through which he was maneuvering. The security droid lifted Kestis off his feet and threw him into a pit below. Jumping down to confront the Jedi, K-4O5 took a swing at Kestis, which he evaded, while Akuna joined the fight. The pair bested K-4O5, destroying the droid.


K-4O5 was a tan-plated KX-series security droid manufactured by Arakyd Industries. The droid possessed white sensors and stood at 2.16 meters tall. K-4O5 showed deference to Daho Sejan and assisted him by bringing him Kestis. The droid displayed a lack of concern for Kestis' wellbeing beyond what was strictly necessary, and was unmoved by the Akuna's verbal reprimand on the matter.

Akuna's experience with K-4O5 caused him to anticipate their eventual fight. After defeating K-4O5, Akuna remarked that the droid had not liked Kestis, to which Kestis voiced a belief that the droid had not liked Akuna either.

Behind the scenes

K-4O5 appeared in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.



