
Juvarek was a male individual who served as a captain in the army of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Cold War between the Empire and the Galactic Republic. Around the year 3643 BBY, Captain Juvarek was stationed in the tomb of the Sith Lord Ajunta Pall on Korriban near the world's Sith Academy. During his time stationed in the tomb, Juvarek commanded Sergeant Cormun and other soldiers of the Empire's Fifth Infantry company of the Korriban regiment to exterminate an infestation of worm-like k'lor'slugs by destroying their egg chambers. When Cormun and his troops took heavy casualties while failing to destroy the chambers, Juvarek ordered that hazard pay be given to anyone who successfully destroyed the egg chambers. Cormun believed that Juvarek would be grateful for the chambers' destruction.

Eventually, a Sith Acolyte from the Sith Academy arrived in the tomb and who destroyed the egg chambers after being recruited by Sergeant Cormun to destroy them.

Captain Juvarek was originally going to appear in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 MMORPG produced by BioWare, but was cut from the game before release.

Behind the scenes

Captain Juvarek was originally going to appear in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 MMORPG produced by BioWare, but was cut from the game before release.



