Junction (purification facility)

The Junction first appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as a story phase for the Jedi Consular class on Taris. On the Republic version of Taris, the Junction is located in the Brell Sediment. However, it also appears in the Imperial version of Taris, except that it has been moved to the Tularan Marsh and the Second Colonial Protectorate has replaced the Junction's original location. This article assumes that the Tularan Marsh placement is accurate, as the Second Colonial Protectorate would otherwise not exist.

Behind the scenes

The Junction first appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as a story phase for the Jedi Consular class on Taris. On the Republic version of Taris, the Junction is located in the Brell Sediment. However, it also appears in the Imperial version of Taris, except that it has been moved to the Tularan Marsh and the Second Colonial Protectorate has replaced the Junction's original location. This article assumes that the Tularan Marsh placement is accurate, as the Second Colonial Protectorate would otherwise not exist.



