Jorg Sacul

Leading a squadron and becoming a Rebel pilot commander, Sacul was a renowned mentor to younger squadron members, as well as a visionary storyteller who entertained his pilots with far-flung tales of distant galaxies thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. Sacul was also rumored as being Force-sensitive, and many said if he were born in a different time, he could have been a great Jedi.


The Human Jorg Sacul hailed from Tatooine, a planet in the Tatoo system. A reckless dreamer, he owned a T-16 skyhopper, and at one point, he got into a near fatal crash on the T-16 while on his homeworld. He would eventually go to an Academy, emerging as the top pilot in his class and a natural leader.

Sacul went on to join the Rebel Alliance's Starfighter Corps, flying a T-65 X-wing starfighter and attaining the rank of commander. Sacul led a squadron, and mentored younger Rebel pilots within his squadron.

Personality and traits

Once a reckless dreamer before his T-16 crash changed the course of his life, Sacul's troops knew him as a fearless fighter renowned for his inner strength and ability to remain calm under fire. He was also a renowned mentor to younger squadron members. A visionary storyteller, Sacul entertained his pilots with far-flung tales of distant galaxies thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. Sacul had fair skin, gray hair, and black eyes.

Skills and abilities

Sacul emerged from the Academy as top pilot in his class and a natural leader. He was rumored to be Force-sensitive, and many said if Sacul were born in a different time, he could have been a great Jedi.


Sacul wore an orange Rebel flight suit and a flight helmet adorned with two black Alliance Starbirds and a dark gray stabilization bar. The helmet's visor was tinted in a dark color. He was armed with a blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

The Jorg Sacul action figure, in packaging

The Jorg Sacul action figure, in packaging

Jorg Sacul was created in 2002 for Hasbro Inc.'s Star Wars Saga toy line, specifically for that year's Celebration II, as a Tuckerization and with the likeness of Star Wars film director George Lucas. Initially the idea was for a film director with a camera, before the figure was instead thought to be Lucas in stormtrooper armor, and ultimately a Rebel pilot was thought up, with how the real Lucas had been a film industry rebel as inspiration. Stephen J. Sansweet came up with the name, and wrote the first draft of the biography for the figure, which was ultimately rewritten, except for a few words, by Lucas Licensing President Howard Roffman. Sacul's biography talking about his near fatal T-16 skyhopper crash and being a visionary storyteller with far-flung tales of distant galaxies thousands of years before the Republic are similar to George Lucas's near fatal car crash in his teenage years, and his eventually directing the Star Wars films.

Celebration Europe illustration

In 2007, artist Ken Steacy published a print at Celebration Europe. The print was published on a card for 2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 6. On the image, Sacul is shown boarding his X-wing starfighter on the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser Home One prior to 4 ABY's Battle of Endor. Another Alliance officer is seen painting their compatriot, Leia Organa, in the latter's Huttese slave-girl costume on the starfighter, which also has at least six total Imperial starfighters and a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. Sacul also has a purple R-series astromech droid in his cockpit, and the side of his helmet shows a red Alliance Starbird with other red vertical bars in the middle instead of a black Starbird and a single dark gray stabilization bar.

