Jolan Aphett

Jolan Aphett was a male Kadas'sa'Nikto who had been tutored in the game of pazaak by Daoy during the Jedi Civil War. In 3956 BBY, he was traveling around the galaxy attempting to build up his pazaak deck so that he could be good enough to be in the championships. While attempting to make it on the tournament circuit, he met Revan in Ahto City on Manaan. Aphett turned aside Revan's inquiries into his past, dismissing his past as unimportant. They may have played a hand or two of pazaak before Revan moved on.

Personality and traits

A black-eyed and green-skinned Kadas'sa'Nikto, Aphett traveled the galaxy looking to be challenged in Pazaak. After being defeated in Pazaak multiple times by Revan, Aphett considered Revan to be better than them at the game.

Behind the scenes

In the PC version of the game, Jolan uses the Rodian soundset.



