Job on Alzoc III

By 231 BBY, Yorrick had come to view the job as having been botched. That year, while on the planet Safrifa, the hunter mentally recalled the job on Alzoc III, including her arsenal's theft by the Hoopaloo. Yorrick noted that unlike other mercenaries who would have, she had not hunted down the "kriffing" Hoopaloo and ripped off his beak, instead accepting that bad things happened and that she had to deal with it. The hunter also considered that unless she was being paid to, it would have been pointless to waste time or effort chasing the Hoopaloo.

The job on Alzoc III was mentioned in the novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, written by Cavan Scott as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I and published on June 29, 2021. Prior to the release of the novel, the job was mentioned in an excerpt of the novel published on on April 22 of the same year.

Behind the scenes

The job on Alzoc III was mentioned in the novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, written by Cavan Scott as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I and published on June 29, 2021. Prior to the release of the novel, the job was mentioned in an excerpt of the novel published on on April 22 of the same year.






