
Jeq was a member of the Remainders, former bounty hunters who managed Moonbender Colony. Rumored to have once been an acrobat, he was the oldest of the Remainders and was skilled in close combat. Between around 40 BBY to 32 BBY, when the Sith apprentice Darth Maul attacked the colony, Jeq and the other Remainders attempted to defend the colony. While Jeq fought Maul, Barva-Zul forced the Sith to retreat by using a blaster cannon. The two Remainders split up to search for him, and Jeq was eventually killed by Maul. The Sith dressed Jeq's body in his cloak, fooling Barva-Zul into thinking Maul had been incapacitated. Inspecting the body, Barva-Zul realized it was Jeq's and was defeated by Maul shortly afterward.



