

In 3626 BBY, Jek-Burz was approached by advocates for the Feast of Prosperity and asked to help establish the Feast on Rishi by speaking with the Tribunal in favor of allowing it on-world. Jek-Burz agreed to help if the advocates helped him out, and gave them a choice of tasks to complete.

Gameplay Alternatives

Jek-Burz will offer the player character two choices when gaining his vote for establishing the Feast on Rishi. Either the player must sneak into the Blaster's Path Cantina and steal him a bottle of Corellian wine, or the player goes and eliminates a group of Nova Blades who have not accepted the lawful approach of the Rishi Tribunal.

Regardless of option chosen, once it has been completed Jek-Burz will vote towards allowing the Feast of Prosperity onto Rishi.



