Jedi Temple pool

A small pool was located within a Jedi Temple garden on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant. In 22 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—visited the garden and used the dark side of the Force to manipulate the former handmaiden Sabé into requesting the return of her employer, the Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala, to Coruscant, leaving her by the pool. Afterward, the pool's water dried up and remained unfillable, despite the best attempts of the Temple's gardeners.


A small, sparkling pool of water was located on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant, in a garden within the Jedi Order's Jedi Temple. The pool's trickling water sparkled when sunlight hit it.


The pool was located within a garden in the Coruscant Jedi Temple (pictured).

The pool was located within a garden in the Coruscant Jedi Temple (pictured).

In 22 BBY, shortly after the beginning of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi Order held a war briefing in the garden for members of the Galactic Senate. The briefing was attended by both Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and Sabé, a former handmaiden of Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala who was secretly impersonating the senator while she was off on a secret mission.

Palpatine, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, had recognized Sabé's impersonation quickly and singled her out during the briefing, using the dark side of the Force during their conversation to influence Sabé into requesting Amidala's return to Coruscant. Unsettled by the encounter but not knowing why, Sabé sat on a bench by the pool to recover herself after being left there by Palpatine. Deciding she could not stand in for Amidala again, Sabé looked back at the pool to center herself before walking away. The pool's water later dried up, resisting the best efforts of the Temple gardeners to refill it.

Behind the scenes

The pool was mentioned in Queen's Hope, a 2022 young-adult novel written by E. K. Johnston.






