Jedi Protector

Plot summary

Shalavaa has just completed his training to become a Jedi Knight under Jedi Master Ortraag. Ortragg leaves Shalavaa to complete work on a planet. He settles disputes and helps round up a nerf herd. A nerf herder disappeared near a ravine where others have disappeared in the past. Shalavaa finds and enters the entrance to the ravine to look for the missing herder. Walking through the ravine he comes upon one of the herder's boots. Shalavaa notices some of the vines in the ravine are different sizes than others and then one lashes out at him. Fighting off the creature with his lightsaber, Ortraag appears and congratulates Shalavaa. He tells him he is ready to take on greater evil.

Behind the scenes

The article with the story was a role-playing game supplement meant to help introduce players to the game. The reader would control Shalavaa through the adventure and just do basic dice rolls to advance the plot. The ending varied depending on how the rolls went, with you succeeding to kill the plant creature if you rolled successfully or you failing to kill the creature and getting bailed out by Ortraag if you failed the roll.
