Jaylon Geissler

Jaylon Geissler was a male Bothan spice dealer who lived on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War.


By the time following the Battle of Yavin, Jaylon Geissler was the right-hand of Vuul Sarlin, the leader of a group of spice dealers in the city of Kor Vella. Geissler managed a warehouse in Kor Vella that was used to stock the ryll distributed in the city. The spice was provided by the Chirq Council, best known as the Red Circle Gang, but Vuul Sarlin, Jaylon Geissler and their men ignored everything about the identity of the ryll smugglers.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force started an investigation against the ryll smuggling ring following the increase of spice traffic in Kor Vella. A spacer working for Lieutenant Cope questioned a local spice addict known as Menchi Lerann. The man revealed that he bought his ryll from Vuul Sarlin and Jaylon Geissler. The spacer later interrogated Geissler but the spice dealer obviously refused to collaborate. The spacer therefore entered the ryll warehouse in Kor Vella, fought the guards and started to destroy crates of spice. Jaylon Geissler reluctantly accepted to give Vuul Sarlin's current location: a small camp in the plains outside Kor Vella. The spacer then defeated Vuul Sarlin and forced him to reveal everything he knew about the ryll smuggling ring. The CorSec investigation eventually led to the disbandment of the Chirq Council.

Behind the scenes

Jaylon Geissler appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Jaylon Geissler was added to the game with the update named "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," published on June 8, 2006.



