Jay (clone commando)

Jay, also identified by the clone trooper number RC-1135, was a male clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Born on the planet Kamino, Jay was created by Kaminoan cloners for use in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Trained as a clone commando, he was a member of Theta Squad, and spent his entire life alongside his squad mates Darman, Vin and their sergeant, Taler. The squad was deployed on the planet Geonosis during the first battle of the Clone Wars and fought alongside Delta Squad, another commando unit, against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. While fighting in a series of caverns under the planet's surface, Theta provided covering fire for Delta as they progressed through a breached blast door. Geonosian warriors then overwhelmed Jay, Vin and Taler; however, and killed them, leaving Darmen as the sole survivor of Theta. Like all clone troopers, Jay was 1.83 meters tall.

RC-1135 first appeared in Republic Commando: Hard Contact a novel written by Karen Traviss and released in 2004. He later received mention in other books in the Republic Commando series.

Behind the scenes

RC-1135 first appeared in Republic Commando: Hard Contact a novel written by Karen Traviss and released in 2004. He later received mention in other books in the Republic Commando series.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia









