Jarik Vuintor

Vuintor was a member of Truth For Cularin, an organization that produced a number of documentaries about the various problems in the Cularin system. Vuintor narrated one such documentary about the Believers, a Sith cult that was active in the system. In it, he claimed that they were a major threat to the system and that they were being funded by the Jedi of the Almas Academy and Lavina Wren, Cularin's senator.


Vuintor was a member of Truth For Cularin, an organization that produced a number of documentaries about the various problems in the Cularin system. Vuintor narrated one such documentary about the Believers, a Sith cult that was active in the system. In it, he claimed that they were a major threat to the system and that they were being funded by the Jedi of the Almas Academy and Lavina Wren, Cularin's senator.
