Janna Relasi

Janna Relasi was a female bounty hunter who worked for the House Salaktori of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Salaktori assigned her a starship and an AD-series weapons maintenance droid, GSAD-43, to help her in her missions. During those, Relasi and the droid bonded intimately.

In one particular hunt, an enemy injured Relasi. The huntress managed to reach her ship and talked to GSAD-43. With her dying words, Relasi asked GSAD-43 to "get them for me". The droid took the words at heart and started tracking the people who had killed her. After capturing one of those, the droid, taking a literal meaning to the word "them" in Relasi's sentence, continued to track other culprits. In time, GSAD-43 obtained a reputation and Relasi was mentioned in the droid's background.


  • Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
  • Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
