
Jakobeasts were a brown-furred type of animal that inhabited the valleys between mountains on the snow-covered Outer Rim Territories planet Gigor. In 9 BBY, when Princess Leia Organa of the Core World Alderaan was told by her mother, Queen Breha Organa, to apologize to her cousin Niano for insulting him, Leia responded that she would rather be digested by a jakobeast. Navigator Plesko Marno wore a coat with sleeves make of jakobeast-fur while on the planet Kijimi in 35 ABY.

Jakobeasts were introduced to the current Star Wars canon in the 2018 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Dawn of Rebellion, published by Fantasy Flight Games. Jakobeast-fur later appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the ninth installment of the Skywalker saga films. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the jakobeast was first introduced in Wizards of the Coast's 2002 Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, written for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.

Behind the scenes

Jakobeasts were introduced to the current Star Wars canon in the 2018 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Dawn of Rebellion, published by Fantasy Flight Games. Jakobeast-fur later appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the ninth installment of the Skywalker saga films. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the jakobeast was first introduced in Wizards of the Coast's 2002 Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, written for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.


  • Dawn of Rebellion
  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary






