
At some point after the situation on the surface reached an equilibrium, Palpatine decided to use Ord Vaxal as a repository of political dissidents, rebels and other criminals. Throughout the Imperial Period, condemned beings would be dumped on Ord Vaxal without regard to their fate on the surface.

The Jailbreak was first mentioned in the article Ord Vaxal: Prison Planet of the Empire, published in issue #165 the roleplaying game magazine Polyhedron in 2003, written by Gary Astlefords. The article mentions that the Jailbreak occurred 20 years before the Rebellion era, which begins in 0 BBY. However, it mentions that Palpatine "came to power" after the naval forces of the Republic had established a garrison in the orbit of Ord Vaxal. Palpatine was elected to the office of Supreme Chancellor in 32 BBY and established the Grand Army of the Republic in 22 BBY. The reference could, however, be interpreted as referring to Palpatine's reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Jailbreak was first mentioned in the article Ord Vaxal: Prison Planet of the Empire, published in issue #165 the roleplaying game magazine Polyhedron in 2003, written by Gary Astlefords. The article mentions that the Jailbreak occurred 20 years before the Rebellion era, which begins in 0 BBY. However, it mentions that Palpatine "came to power" after the naval forces of the Republic had established a garrison in the orbit of Ord Vaxal. Palpatine was elected to the office of Supreme Chancellor in 32 BBY and established the Grand Army of the Republic in 22 BBY. The reference could, however, be interpreted as referring to Palpatine's reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY.
