Jace Rucklin's hangar

Jace Rucklin's hangar was located on the Colossus fueling station. In 34 ABY, Jace Rucklin and his team stored his racing starfighter in the hangar's upper deck. Along with his racer, the crew had vehicle components and tools scattered about the upper area. In addition, the upper portion was outfitted with a large enough platform to hold a starfighter that could be lowered to give access to the lower deck. The lower deck, in turn, featured an opening that was sufficiently wide for a starfighter to exit the Colossus. On the lower portion of the hangar, Rucklin also stored a pair of speederbikes.


Jace Rucklin's hangar was large enough to store a starfighter.

Jace Rucklin's hangar was large enough to store a starfighter.

Jace Rucklin's hangar was located on the Colossus refueling station and featured an upper and lower deck. The hangar featured "A2" written in large Aurebesh letters on the wall of the upper deck as well as "B2" on the doors. The upper deck was able to house a racing starfighter and featured a platform that could lower a starfighter to the lower portion. Mechanical claws were situated on the lower deck to clamp onto the wings of a ship lowered from above and suspend it above the waters of the planet Castilon. The lower area was accessible via the Colossuss maintenance shafts. It featured enough room to store at least two speederbikes and an opening large enough for a starship to exit the Colossus.


The lower deck of Jace Rucklin's hangar

The lower deck of Jace Rucklin's hangar

In 34 ABY, the hangar was used by Jace Rucklin and his crew, the mechanics Lin Gaava and Gorrak Wiles, to store Rucklin's racer in the upper deck and his blue and orange speederbikes in the lower deck. The hangar was filled with various vehicle components and tools and decorated with posters, including Moves. Soon after meeting the mechanic Kazuda Xiono, who was avoiding his job, Rucklin showed him the entrance to the hangar's lower deck via a maintenance shaft. The two agreed to compete in a speederbike race out to a nearby sky ring, but unbeknownst to Xiono, Wiles had rigged the bike that Xiono used to malfunction. After the race ended with Rucklin saving Xiono, the former's team left Xiono and returned to the hangar's upper deck to perform modifications on Rucklin's racer.

Wishing to escape the ire of his boss, Jarek Yeager, Xiono visited the hangar's upper deck and expressed astonishment at the team's setup. After showing Xiono his racer, Rucklin convinced Xiono to sneak his team into Yeager's private hangar with the ostensible purpose of seeing Yeager's ship—and the real intention of stealing a container of Corellian hyperfuel from the facility. The group waited for Yeager to take his break and then departed Rucklin's hangar to carry out Rucklin's ploy, with Wiles and Gaava acting as lookouts. Upon the success of the theft, Gaava, Rucklin, and Wiles returned to the hangar with their spoils. As the trio celebrated their victory, the hangar was revisited by Xiono, accompanied by the astromech droid BB-8, who invited the team to a meal at Aunt Z's Tavern. The crew hid the hyperfuel from Xiono as they turned the request down, citing an impending sky race as their excuse. Xiono subsequently wished the crew luck and departed the hangar with BB-8.

Jace Rucklin's team lowered his racer to the hangar's lower deck.

Jace Rucklin's team lowered his racer to the hangar's lower deck.

While Rucklin's team began adding the hyperfuel to his racer, Xiono became aware of Rucklin's thievery and the risk of explosion posed by using the hyperfuel. While Xiono raced to the hangar, Rucklin's racer was lowered from the upper deck to prepare for take-off. Gaava and Wiles watched from above as the racer ignited its engines with metal clamps suspending it over the ocean below. Xiono employed the shortcut to the lower deck to arrive at the hangar before the race had begun and then leapt onto the racer and pleaded with Rucklin to stop. Ultimately, Xiono was forced to eject both Rucklin and himself from the cockpit before the ship exploded mid-race.

Behind the scenes

The hangar first appeared in "Fuel for the Fire," the fourth episode of the first season of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series which premiered on October 21, 2018. Jace Rucklin's hangar was first previewed on October 17 in the episode's trailer, which was posted on the official Star Wars YouTube channel. In the episode guide that accompanied "Fuel for the Fire" and was posted on StarWars.com, the hangar was identified as "Rucklin's hangar." The Topps set 2019 Topps Star Wars Resistance Surprise Packs, released April 10, 2019, featured a card that identified the hangar as "Jace Rucklin's hangar."

The lower deck of Jace Rucklin's hangar as depicted in the adaptation "Fuel for the Fire"

The lower deck of Jace Rucklin's hangar as depicted in the adaptation "Fuel for the Fire"

A lighting concept by Molly Denmark featuring the hangar's lower deck was posted on StarWars.com on March 11, 2019. In the comic adaptation "Fuel for the Fire"—which was written by Alec Worley, illustrated by Cosmo White, and published by Panini Verlag on November 20, 2019—the lower hangar features a catwalk that would run alongside a ship preparing for take-off. This article assumes the depiction in the television episode to be canonical.


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