J-3DI, also referred to as Jay-Threedeeaye, or simply Jay-Three, was a unique droid who had been programmed to believe that he possessed the Force and was a Jedi Knight. He had plating in the style of Jedi robes and wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber. He was created by fellow competitor Sprocket to uniquely match the Force-sensitive competitor Rieve. He disposed of a databank of Jedi wisdom, and while not able to use the Force, he was still able to mimic its effects through technological means. Given the limits of information on the Jedi by 9 ABY, his programming often had mistakes in Jedi history, manifesting as incorrect phrasing of Jedi mantras. J-3DI competed in the Hunters of the Outer Rim tournament on the planet Vespaara.

In J-3DI and Rieve's early days as Hunters, the latter was often annoyed by J-3DI's personality and endless databank of information. Her disdain for J-3DI, initially played up for the sake of the crowd, and his position as her foil led Rieve to initially hyperfixate on attacking the droid during their first few matches, resulting in her team losing. J-3DI quickly recognized this tactic and purposefully baited her into chasing him so that his team had the advantage. In response to her lack of teamwork, competition co-owner Daq Dragus personally helped train Rieve with the help of J-3DI. Dragus taught Rieve how J-3DI's main weakness was surprise attacks. Using his imperfect databank of Jedi knowledge, J-3DI began to refer to Rieve as his apprentice and Padawan, given their training sessions together. This compounded Rieve's annoyance at the droid.

When a mysterious figure began appearing before Rieve, following incidents of sabotage to her equipment, J-3DI was quick to offer support. He suggested scanning the crowds for individuals matching the description of the figure, and he helped search the Grand Arena when the mysterious figure was seen in restricted areas. When the man's goons attacked the arena intent on maximizing destruction, J-3DI was on the front lines defending against the invaders. He helped search the underbelly of the arena with Balada for the mysterious man. After Rieve deflected the blast of a class-A thermal detonator using the Force, she sustained significant burns, and J-3DI was the first to her side to check on her. Following these events, he and Rieve were closer backstage.

J-3DI first appeared in the video game Star Wars: Hunters as one of the playable characters, which soft-launched on November 16, 2021 to select countries. The droid was also featured in the tie-in prequel novel Hunters: Battle for the Arena, written by Mark Oshiro and published by Disney–Lucasfilm Press on March 7, 2023.

Behind the scenes

J-3DI's logo

J-3DI's logo

J-3DI first appeared in the video game Star Wars: Hunters as one of the playable characters, which soft-launched on November 16, 2021 to select countries. The droid was also featured in the tie-in prequel novel Hunters: Battle for the Arena, written by Mark Oshiro and published by Disney–Lucasfilm Press on March 7, 2023.










