Ithia Paan


Ithia Paan was a Kel Dor Jedi during the High Republic Era. In 132 BBY, Paan joined Jedi Master Sol and a group of Jedi to locate the secluded Jedi Kelnacca on the planet Khofar. Jedi Knight Yord Fandar briefed the Jedi group aboard a Polan-717 Jedi transport en route to Khofar. Upon arriving on Khofar, she waited at a camp with the other Jedi while the Padawan Jecki Lon communicated with some locals on the whereabouts of Kelnacca. After the team received word of Kelnacca entering the nearby forest, the Tynnan Bazil led the expedition while following Kelnacca's scent. At nightfall, the group arrived at Kelnacca's shelter and fanned out around its entrance.

Ithia Paan (far right) stands with her fellow Jedi against the Stranger.

Ithia Paan (far right) stands with her fellow Jedi against the Stranger.

As the Sith practitioner the Stranger approached the group from behind, Paan and the others turned to observe him. After the Sith ignited his lightsaber, Paan ignited her lightsaber and charged at the Stranger along with the other Jedi, only for the Sith to knock the group away with the Force. After the Jedi reengaged the Sith, the Master knocked Paan to her knees before impaling the Kel Dor through her chest. Paan groaned as she died. Later, Vernestra Rwoh and another group of Jedi arrived on Khofar to investigate. Upon finding the bodies of Paan and the other Jedi, Rwoh told Mog Adana they needed to head back to the ship and prepare the bodies for burial.

Personality and traits

Ithia Paan was a female Kel Dor with brown skin.


Ithia Paan wore brown Jedi apparel with gold accents, and wielded a lightsaber with a green blade. Paan wore an antiox breath mask due to her Kel Dor physiology.

Behind the scenes

Ithia Paan, albeit unidentified, first appeared in "Day," the fourth episode of the live-action series The Acolyte, which premiered June 18, 2024. However, the Kel Dor was first previewed briefly in the official trailers of the series, which were posted on the official Star Wars YouTube channel on March 19 earlier in the year. Paan was identified the day after the episode's airing by the official Star Wars account on Twitter, after a fan inquired on the Kel Dor's name.

Ithia Paan was portrayed on screen by stunt performer Katie McDonnell, who also performed in The Acolyte as the stunt double for Carrie-Anne Moss's Master Indara.










