
IntSec was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon through Dawn of Rebellion, a roleplaying supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying series published by Fantasy Flight Games and released in 2018. IntSec also existed in the Star Wars Legends continuity, being first mentioned in the 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, which was authored by Greg Gorden and published by West End Games. In the Legends continuity, they were identified as the Internal Security Branch, who performed a role of providing physical security to Imperial Intelligence's assets and personnel.

Behind the scenes

IntSec was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon through Dawn of Rebellion, a roleplaying supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying series published by Fantasy Flight Games and released in 2018. IntSec also existed in the Star Wars Legends continuity, being first mentioned in the 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, which was authored by Greg Gorden and published by West End Games. In the Legends continuity, they were identified as the Internal Security Branch, who performed a role of providing physical security to Imperial Intelligence's assets and personnel.


  • Dawn of Rebellion
