Indiana Jones's guide

A Human guide led Doctor Indiana Jones and his companion Short Round through a jungle on the planet Earth between the years 1942 and 1943. The group was searching for the location of the legendary "Sasquatch," which was really the stranded Wookiee Chewbacca. Jones's guide was able to identify the Wookiee's footprints and was surprised to see that the Wookiee's home was not a cave; it was instead the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon.


The guide sees the Millennium Falcon.

The guide sees the Millennium Falcon.

A Human guide on the planet Earth led took Doctor Indiana Jones and his companion Short Round on an expedition through a jungle between the Earth-years 1942 and 1943. Jones had been hired by a museum to investigate sightings of a legendary "Sasquatch," which was actually the Wookiee Chewbacca, who had crash-landed on the planet in the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon 126 years earlier and remained isolated ever since.

In the jungle, the guide directed the group to a ridge where sightings of Chewbacca had been recorded in the previous thirty years. The guide identified one of the Wookiee's footprints and informed Jones that they were nearing Chewbacca's home, pleasing the doctor. The guide wondered aloud whether Chewbacca lived in a nearby cave until they came upon the ruins of the Millennium Falcon and realized that it was not a cave. Jones and Short Round climbed into the starship, where they found the corpse of its pilot, Han Solo, leading Jones to call off the expedition.

Personality and traits

Indiana Jones's guide cooperated in leading the doctor and Short Round on the expedition and was familiar with past sightings of Chewbacca, although he was unaware that the Wookiee lived inside the Millennium Falcon and not a cave. The guide had long black hair and tan skin.

Skills and abilities

The guide was able to navigate the jungle terrain and was capable of identifying Chewbacca's footprints.


The guide wore a brown shirt and jeans with a dull brown coat with yellow straps around the upper parts of the sleeves. The guide also wore multiple necklaces, a red headband and scarf, and a round blue earring on their right side. They also carried a slugthrower rifle.

Behind the scenes

Indiana Jones's guide appeared in the non-canon comic "Into the Great Unknown," written by W. Haden Blackman, illustrated by Sean Gordon Murphy, and published in the nineteenth issue of Star Wars Tales, which was released by Dark Horse Comics on May 14, 2004. The comic serves as a crossover between the characters of Han Solo and Indiana Jones, both of which were played by Harrison Ford in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, respectively. The guide's final line in the comic is "This is no cave," which is identical to a line spoken by Han Solo in the Hoth asteroid field in the 1980 film .



