Incident commander

The rank of incident commander was utilized by the Coruscant Security Force during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. It was given as a temporary designation to the officer placed in charge of a major police operation, regardless of the officer's rank. The incident commander had control of all police resources at the scene of the incident and was in charge of planning all negotiations.

The commander also had final say on tactical options. During the Galactic City Spaceport hostage crisis in 22 BBY, in which terrorists took control of the Galactic City Spaceport on the planet Coruscant, Coruscant Security Force Lieutenant Dovel was the designated incident commander.

The rank of incident commander appeared in "Omega Squad: Targets," a short story written by Karen Traviss and published in Star Wars Insider 81 on March 11, 2005.

Behind the scenes

The rank of incident commander appeared in "Omega Squad: Targets," a short story written by Karen Traviss and published in Star Wars Insider 81 on March 11, 2005.



