In Triplicate

Plot summary

In Coruscant's undercity, Anakin Skywalker is looking for Senator Padmé Amidala, after she was kidnapped earlier that day. In a flashback, Yoda tells Skywalker that Amidala had been meant to give a crucial speech to rally the Senate tomorrow, and that without her influence, things may be thrown into chaos. He speculates that this is the work of the Separatists, and tells Skywalker that he must find Amidala. Skywalker readily agrees, saying that he knows how important it is: Amidala is the greatest diplomat of her generation - and, privately, his wife. When Ahsoka Tano follows him from the meeting with Yoda, he tells her that this is a mission he has to handle himself.

Thus alone, Skywalker begins to search for information on the kidnapping, watching holoprojector footage and threatening criminals with his lightsaber until he finally gets pertinent information from one of them: the location of the Burning Rancors, a group of pirates for hire. Going to their base, he comes to the conclusion that there's no way Amidala would come there unless she were kidnapped. He begins to make his way in, dealing with one guard after another - distracting two using the the Force, punching one into submission with his prosthetic hand, and cutting down six more at once after they try and ambush him.

Shortly after that, Skywalker peers down on two guards arguing through a ventilation grate. The two guards are arguing with each other - each of them has captured a woman they believe to be Amidala, and each of them is convinced theirs is actually Amidala, and the other guard has simply taken an imposter. One of the guards mentions that Count Dooku was the one who plotted Amidala's kidnapping. Anakin, having heard enough, hops down out of the grate to attack the two guards, throwing them across the room with the Force. The two women, still tied up, ask Skywalker if it is really him. He responds that it is - but that he does not think either one of them are Amidala. He is correct - they are two of Amidala's decoys, Sabé and Eirtaé, though Skywalker mixes up which is which.

The next day, Amidala is able to give her speech safely, with Sabé and Eirtaé by her sides. Skywalker watches from the background alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who explains that this had been arranged by the Council all along - when they had heard Amidala had been arranged to be kidnapped, they had taken the Senator to a secure location and used her handmaidens to flush the conspirators out. Skywalker expresses his dissatisfaction, stating that he was worried about Amidala, and Kenobi says it may have been necessary to conceal the truth from him, asking if he would have fought as hard if he knew it was not the real Amidala.

Behind the scenes

Eirtaé's name is misspelled twice as Eritaé.
