
Imram was a Mid Rim world located within Lannik Space. During the Kymoodon Era, Galactic Republic colonists settled Imram, which members of the Hutt species viewed as an act of war.

As a result, the Hutts sponsored raids on Imram and other Republic colonies, leading to the enslavement or death of many colonists. The events on Imram were recorded in a report that eventually came to rest in a government archive on the planet Belasco.


Imram was a world located in the Imram system. It was part of the sector known as Lannik Space, within the Mid Rim and the Slice regions.


Imram was located in Lannik Space.

Imram was located in Lannik Space.

At some point during the Kymoodon Era, which lasted from 15,000 BBY to 12,000 BBY, Imram, located beyond the frontier of the Galactic Republic at the time, was settled by Republic colonists. Members of the Hutt species viewed the world as part of outlying Hutt domains, and the Republic colonization as an act of war. In response, the Hutts backed raids on Imram and other similarly settled worlds that led to the enslavement or death of many colonists.

The events on Imram were later recorded in a report that was prepared as background for a public advisory against Rimward Republic colonization. The report came to rest in a government archive on the planet Belasco. In 5 ABY, the fragmentary remains of the Belascoan archive report were discovered. This led the Academician of Popular Studies Thunys Albegron to mention Imram during the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment a year later.

Behind the scenes

Imram was originally meant to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the sidebar that would have mentioned the world was cut before the book's release. The information regarding Imram was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Imram system, and therefore the world Imram, in grid square R-13.
