Impoundment transmitter

Inpoundment transmitters were a type of homing beacon placed inside the starships of those who failed to pay docking fees at a spaceport on the planet Beheboth in 8 ABY. Kimp Minmirn, a Quarren scientist, found himself in this situation and a beacon was installed by a man named Lorrb. Peacekeeper Darial Anglethorn and the Beheboth police force later used this to track the fugitive Mils Giel, who stole Minmirn's vessel to flee the planet after being caught mutating the native Tirrith population into his personal assassins.

An impoundment transmitter was mentioned briefly in part four of Beheboth: Blood and Water, Hit and Mist, a supplement to the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars roleplaying game. The article, part of the Planet Hoppers serial, was written by Cory J. Herndon and released in June 2004.

Behind the scenes

An impoundment transmitter was mentioned briefly in part four of Beheboth: Blood and Water, Hit and Mist, a supplement to the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars roleplaying game. The article, part of the Planet Hoppers serial, was written by Cory J. Herndon and released in June 2004.

