Implacable (Star Destroyer)

The Implacable was a Star Destroyer in service to the Imperial Navy during the Imperial Era. In 0 ABY, the vessel was commanded by Admiral Dayun, with Lieutenant Commander Del Meeko serving as chief engineer. While in this role, Meeko received a mysterious summons from Imperial Security Bureau Admiral Garrick Versio, which troubled the engineer and his team.

Meeko subsequently traveled to the planet Coruscant in vessel 4240-C, a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, where he was admitted into the Imperial Special Forces group Inferno Squad. Following the commander's departure, Lieutenant Naylyn Bashan, who had been Meeko's immediate subordinate, become the Implacables new chief engineer.


A Star Destroyer, the Implacable featured an Engineering section and an office used by the Lieutenant Commander Del Meeko during his time as the starship's chief engineer. The Implacable used at least one Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, vessel 4240-C.


Del Meeko (left) served on the Implacable before being drafted into Inferno Squad (pictured).

Del Meeko (left) served on the Implacable before being drafted into Inferno Squad (pictured).

During the Galactic Civil War, the Implacable served the Imperial Navy and was commanded by Admiral Dayun. One engineer on Meeko's team, Lieutenant Naylyn Bashan, was initially considered shoddy by the commander upon her arrival. However, in Meeko's opinion, he had trained her well since then, with her later becoming his immediate subordinate. One morning in 0 ABY, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Meeko reported for duty in Engineering. He was expected by his crew, and Bashan informed the chief engineer that a message of top priority awaited him in his office.

The message was from Imperial Security Bureau Admiral Garrick Versio, mysteriously summoning the commander to the Core Worlds planet Coruscant where, unbeknownst to Meeko, he was to be inducted into the special forces unit Inferno Squad. After receiving the message, Meeko briefly reported to Dayun—who simply explained that the engineer had been reassigned—before departing the Implacable in vessel 4240-C with Bashan. She asked him what was going on, although Meeko did not know, leading the pair to instead discuss their first time on the Implacable before exchanging farewells. Following Meeko's departure, Bashan became the Implacables chief engineer.

Commanders and crew

The Implacable was commanded by Admiral Dayun. The admiral was usually florid, but was outright flushed when explaining Del Meeko's reassignment to him. Meanwhile, Meeko, the Star Destroyer's chief engineer, was put on edge when he received the summons from Admiral Versio. According to the admiral, Meeko's captain did not part with him with good grace. Although not meant to grow attached to his team in Engineering, the naturally friendly Meeko had done so and was sobered at the prospect of leaving his team. He told his subordinate, Lieutenant Bashan, that she would make an excellent chief engineer following his departure, partly thanks to his training. Meeko and Bashan were able to, respectively, pilot and copilot vessel 4240-C, a Lambda-class shuttle.

Meeko's crew in Engineering were permitted to indulge in wisecracks, despite them not being regulation, and new members were referred to as "nerf meat" as a practical joke. However, the team was also capable of being serious when the time came. Bashan and the rest of Engineering were alarmed when Meeko received a message from Versio, preparing for the worst as they knew nothing would be the same following the destruction of the Death Star battle station.

Behind the scenes

The Implacable was first mentioned in the 2017 novel Battlefront II: Inferno Squad, which was written by Christie Golden. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, where the vessel originated, the Implacable was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It first appeared in X-Wing: Wraith Squadron, a novel written by Aaron Allston that was published in 1998 as the fifth entry in the Star Wars: X-Wing series.






