Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor


Created for the Galactic Empire, Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor was a type of battle armor which closely resembled the armor worn by standard Imperial stormtroopers. However, instead of a clean white appearance, the armor was patterned in a mottled greenish-brown hue, which allowed it to blend into the forest environments for which it was designed. An orange stormtrooper pauldron also complemented the armor.


Sstrigge wearing parts of Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor

Sstrigge wearing parts of Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor

Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor, or Imperial Forest Camouflage Armor for short, was a recent development from Imperial Ordinance which saw limited use during the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. It was not routinely issued to Imperial troops, yet at least one individual, a Trandoshan named Sstrigge, wore most of this suit of armor during Life Day festivities in the cities of Dearic, Doaba Guerfel, and Wayfar. Sstrigge worked with the Empire to sabotage these Life Day festivities, as the Empire believed the Alliance to Restore the Republic was using them as an opportunity to hide contraband in celebratory gift boxes.

The right bracer of this camouflage armor could also be found next to the skeletal remains of a stormtrooper on the balcony of a on Naboo overrun by Mummers, a criminal organization of bootleggers. Other pieces of armor accompanied the corpse, including a helmet, chest plate and gloves belonging to a suit of standard white stormtrooper armor. Another variant of this armor, called Imperial Scout Trooper Forest Camouflage Armor, also saw use by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. This other version of armor more closely resembled the armor worn by scout troopers. The Rebel Alliance likewise made use of their own type of forest camouflage armor, known as Rebel Assault Forest Camouflage Armor.

Behind the scenes

Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor first appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. This armor was originally revealed to be the reward for Imperial-aligned players of a revamped Imperial Theme Park quest line. However, due to outcry from some players regarding its perceived lack of aesthetics, the developers chose not to include this suit of armor as the player reward.

On September 12, 2007, with the release of Chapter 6.12: Masters of the Wild, a redesigned version of this armor was included as the reward for completing various quests of the revamped Imperial Theme Park. The new armor, fully known as Imperial Scout Trooper Forest Camouflage Armor, more closely resembled scout trooper armor. However, unlike the scout trooper armor which was designated in Galaxies as reconnaissance armor, the Scout Trooper Forest Camouflage Armor retained its distinction as battle armor.

Despite not being released on the live servers as a fully wearable form of player armor, the developers nonetheless incorporated elements of the Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor in the game. With the release of Chapter 11.4: The Battle of Echo Base on December 16, 2008, a Trandoshan named Sstrigge could be seen wearing the armor's gloves, chest plate, leggings, and belt in the cities of Dearic, Doaba Guerfel, and Wayfar during the game's Life Day celebrations. Sstrigge could be found wearing these pieces of armor during subsequent Life Day events in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The right bracer of this armor could also be found on the balcony of a large house on Naboo belonging to a group of Mummers. Curiously however, examining the bracer simply identified it as a "standard issue stormtrooper armor right bracer." According to the game's directory tree files, the description of the armor read, "Imperial Stormtrooper Forest Camouflage Armor. A recent development from Imperial Ordinance. Not routinely issued to troops."



