Imperial Shuttle 995

Imperial Shuttle 995 was a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle that was sent on a mission to Desix to liberate Governor Grotton from the hands of Governor Tawni Ames and her Separatist holdout. The shuttle was shot down by B1-series battle droids when approaching the surface and crashed in Sector Five of the Farmlands. The survivors of the crash invaded the city and were successful in extracting Grotton.


Imperial Shuttle 995 was a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle that was used as a multi-purpose transport. It was equipped with a hyperdrive, which let it jump into hyperspace, an alternate dimension that allowed traveling at lightspeed.


During the Imperial Era between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, Imperial Shuttle 995 was used as transportation by the Galactic Empire. Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart assigned Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody," Clone Commando CT-9904 "Crosshair," and a squad of clone troopers on a mission to rescue Governor Grotton from the Separatist holdout on the planet Desix. The clones boarded the shuttle near the First Battle Memorial on the planet Coruscant. While in hyperspace, Cody explained to the squad that Separatist insurgents seized the city and took Grotton hostage. Crosshair added that the holdout's battle droids could have been reprogrammed after the shutdown order. Cody told the squad that they would use their guise as a diplomatic envoy to catch the insurgents by surprise, wipe out the droids, and locate Grotton.

B1 battle droids approaching the wreckage of Imperial Shuttle 995

B1 battle droids approaching the wreckage of Imperial Shuttle 995

After the shuttle exited hyperspace, the pilot requested permission to enter Desix airspace and was permitted by a tactical droid. When the tactical droid spotted the shuttle, they told Governor Tawni Ames that it was in range, and she ordered the droid to welcome them. The tactical droid ordered the strike team to move into position where they shot at the shuttle with RPS-6 rocket launchers. One missile hit one of the shuttle's wings, causing massive damage. An Armored Assault Tank Mk I then shot at the shuttle, causing it to crash in Sector Five of the Farmlands, and around half of the squad was injured. On orders from the tactical droid, a small group of B1-series battle droids checked the wreckage for survivors. The droids found dead clone troopers in the shuttle and reported no survivors before being quickly killed by the remaining troopers. The squad then proceeded to infiltrate the city and rescue Grotton.

Behind the scenes

Imperial Shuttle 995 first appeared in "The Solitary Clone," the third episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series, which aired on January 11, 2023.



