Imperial News Network (Sith Empire)

The Imperial News Network was a state news broadcasting organization under the Ministry of Intelligence operated by the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Cold War.

Operating around the time of the Cold War, the Imperial News Network provided news updates to citizens of the Sith Empire by video at holoprojector sites at locations such as Vaiken Spacedock or by audio-only announcements at Sith facilities.

The news service was operated by the Ministry of Intelligence and provided coverage on the outbreak of rakghoul plague, informing travelers of known quarantine sites and reminding them of their duties as Imperial citizens to help contain the plague.


Operating around the time of the Cold War, the Imperial News Network provided news updates to citizens of the Sith Empire by video at holoprojector sites at locations such as Vaiken Spacedock or by audio-only announcements at Sith facilities.

The news service was operated by the Ministry of Intelligence and provided coverage on the outbreak of rakghoul plague, informing travelers of known quarantine sites and reminding them of their duties as Imperial citizens to help contain the plague.



