Immalia sector


The Immalia sector was first explored between 8000 BBY and 5500 BBY, and its average population per planet ranged between less than 1 million to 10 million. The sector was part of the Galactic Republic as early as 5000 BBY, though it fell within unaligned space during the New Sith Wars. Sometime between 36673653 BBY, during the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, Amador was the site of a battle, and Mayvitch 7 was attacked by the Yinchorri species from the nearby Fellwe sector during the Yinchorri Uprising of 33 BBY. The sector was part of the Immalia Oversector, the theater of operations for the Republic's Seventh Army under Moff Marcellin Wessel during the Clone Wars. The oversector later became part of the Galactic Empire under the rule of Grand Moff Wessel in 19 BBY.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare



