
Ibbe was an obscure terrestrial planet on the edge of Wild Space. It was home to Ibbeets, a serene sentient species, and to predatory lomba lizards. The planet was lush and vibrant with large, leafy whirli-yup trees, regular rains, and a humid and balmy atmosphere.

Despite being unknown to most, the planet maintained contact with a family that had traded with the Ibbeets for centuries as of 228 BBY. The pirate Tanabi Yar had also visited Ibbe at some point by 229 BBY, recommending that year that the Jedi Vernestra Rwoh visit the planet as well to heal from trauma. Rwoh followed the advice and spent months living alongside Ibbe's natives in a village. When her friend Avon Sunvale arrived on-planet the following year, Rwoh departed to assist in the rescue of the latter's Padawan Imri Cantaros, who had until then been presumed dead.


Ibbe was a terrestrial planet located on the edge of Wild Space near the planet Thelj. Ibbe had a sun and featured a Type I atmosphere breathable to humans, Mirialans, and the native Ibbeets. The planet was lush and vibrant, and the Force surged through its large leafy trees and the streams under their roots. Its forests contained fast-growing whirli-yup trees, which grew even faster during Ibbe's regular rains and formed a branched canopy. Ibbe's atmosphere contained pale green clouds, and it featured a humid and balmy climate. The landscape of the planet was uneven and covered with the exposed roots of its high trees. Ibbe's surface water included rivulets of water, and at least one pond could be found on the world. Among the planet's fauna were predators such as the lomba lizard.

Contact with the galaxy

Vernestra Rwoh, who visited Ibbe to heal from trauma

Vernestra Rwoh, who visited Ibbe to heal from trauma

At some point long before 228 BBY, a Jedi resided on Ibbe and built a nest in an Ibbeet village. By 229 BBY, Ibbe was visited by Tanabi Yar, a Togruta pirate and member of the Shili royal family, when she needed time to think. She saw it as a good place to process tragedies and heal. By 228 BBY, the explorer Leric Schmireland described the planet in a work titled Journeys in the Wildest Space. By that same year, the family of the Chadra-Fan hauler Santos had been trading with Ibbeets for centuries, providing them with life-saving medicine and supplies in exchange for baskets made from the whirli-yup trees.

The planet was obscure and distant from important galactic events by 229 BBY, and few were aware of its existence. That year, Yar recommended that Jedi Vernestra Rwoh visit Ibbe to heal from the trauma of the destruction of the Galactic Republic space station Starlight Beacon, advice that Rwoh decided to follow. The Togruta also gave Rwoh a token to give to Santos, who would be willing to take her to Ibbe if the Jedi told him she was sent by Yar. Rwoh spent the next month traveling on various starships in order to reach Thelj, paying for passage by helping the ships' crews. On Thelj, Rwoh met Santos, who took her to Ibbe in exchange for a promise that Rwoh would protect the Ibbeets. On the latter world, Rwoh was welcomed by the natives and settled in the nest that had been previously built by the Jedi. Rwoh spent the next months becoming more proficient with her lightwhip and helping the Ibbeets with various tasks around the poor village in which she resided in exchange for their hospitality. She considered the planet and her stay there an escape from sadness.

Avon Sunvale's visit

Avon Sunvale (pictured) visited Ibbe to recruit Vernestra Rwoh for her mission.

Avon Sunvale (pictured) visited Ibbe to recruit Vernestra Rwoh for her mission.

In 228 BBY, during a morning rain, a lomba lizard attacked the village Rwoh resided in, destroying a portion of its branch walkway as well as several nests. Rwoh arrived in time to distract the predator from Ibbeets floundering on the ground, allowing them to flee. She provoked the lizard into chasing her and led it to a waterfall. There, Rwoh Force pushed the lomba over the cliff, causing it to fall to the pond below.

On her way back to the village, Rwoh passed by the clearing that Santos used as a landing area where she spotted an unfamiliar starship. She approached the ship and was surprised to see her friend Avon Sunvale—a child prodigy who was presumed dead when Starlight Beacon was destroyed. Sunvale informed her that Rwoh's friend Jedi Knight Reath Silas had helped her arrive on Ibbe in order to reach Rwoh and that Imri Cantaros—Rwoh's Padawan who was also presumed dead—was alive but trapped in the Occlusion Zone, an area of space that was ruled by the pirate organization known as the Nihil. Intent on rescuing her Padawan, Rwoh joined Sunvale's mission and departed from Ibbe after saying goodbyes with the Ibbeets she had lived with.

After leaving Ibbe, Rwoh thought about her time on the planet on several occasions, including mentally noting that much had changed during her self-imposed sabbatical after hearing the news of what had happened in the galaxy while she was away. While reflecting, she attributed her heightened proficiency using her lightwhip to her months on Ibbe in the world's forests.


Ibbe was home to Ibbeets, a sentient species also known simply as the Ibbe who lived in harmony with the rest of the planet. The diminutive species resided in nests hung in the planet's treetops and rarely descended to the planet's surface, instead using a network of connected branches to move around. Ibbeets were incapable of speaking Galactic Basic and instead communicated through a language of chirps and trills. Vernestra Rwoh—a Mirialan—spent several months living on Ibbe, and the Togruta Tanabi Yar also spent some time on the planet.


A village was located on Ibbe. It was composed of numerous nests suspended in the treetops, including one built by a Jedi long before 228 BBY. Close to the village was a clearing that Santos used as a landing pad when visiting the village.

Behind the scenes

Ibbe was first mentioned in the short story "The Force Provides," written by Justina Ireland and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The planet later appeared in the 2024 young-adult novel The High Republic: Defy the Storm, written by Ireland and Tessa Gratton and published as part of the multimedia project's Phase III.












