
Elder Iasento was a Mimbanese tribal leader who was armed and trained by the Galactic Republic's 224th Division during the Clone Wars in order to battle Separatist invaders of his homeworld, Mimban.

Following the end of the Clone Wars, Iasento was forced to continue fighting as leader of the Mimbanese Liberation Army against a pacification campaign by the Galactic Empire, which was attempting to strip Mimban of its resources. Iasento was familiar with the Empire's tactics from his Republic training, and had his troops use camoflauge in the increasingly muddy battlefields of Mimban. In 10 BBY, he was killed during the fighting by the criminal Tobias Beckett.

War leader

Iasento (left) was a tribal and military leader of the Mimbanese people.

Iasento (left) was a tribal and military leader of the Mimbanese people.

Elder Iasento was the Mimbanese leader of a tribe in the Nanth flatlands on his homeworld, Mimban, prior to the Clone Wars. During the wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded the planet in 22 BBY, in order to mine hyperbaride minerals. The Mimbanese fought back, allying with the Separatist's foes in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Members of the 224th Division of clone troopers armed and train Iasento and his people to fight the Separatists, promising them freedom once the invaders were repelled.

Although the Separatists ultimately lost the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, Mimban's heavy mineral deposits were a lucrative resource for the Republic's successor state, the Galactic Empire, and it was decreed that the mines continue operation, with Imperial Moff Bin Essada demanding that all resources be stripped from Mimban. Iasento and the Mimbanese resisted the Empire's mining efforts as the Mimbanese Liberation Army, which Iasento commanded during the Imperial pacification campaign by the 224th Imperial Armored Division against the natives. The fighting continued for decades, with ground combat turning much of the world into a muddy quagmire.

Criminal casualty

In 10 BBY, a criminal gang led by the outlaw Tobias Beckett infiltrated the Imperial Army on Mimban in order to steal an Y-45 armored transport hauler. While disguised as an Imperial captain, Beckett encountered Iasento near the Imperial Camp Forward as the Empires forces were trying to push toward a Mimbanese-controlled ridge.

As Iasento charged alone toward the criminal, Beckett shot the elder in the chest with a RSKF-44 heavy blaster and killed him while providing cover for his gang to reach an Imperial trench. The Empire would eventually claim victory over the Mimbanese on Mimban. Iasento was pictured and mentioned in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed by the Graf Archive at some point after 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Having received Republic training during the Clone Wars, Iasento was familiar with the tacics adopted by the Empire. The Mimbanese began using camouflage to hide themselves on the increasingly muddy battlefields, and Iasento would allow Imperial forces to push forward before utilizing the camoflauge to have his forces attack with coordinated aggression from hidden positions and tunnels among the ruins of their villages. Iasento had red skin and blue eyes. He stood 1.9 meters (six foot, three inches) tall.


Iasento wore traditional red garments including a flak jacket and mud-spattered combat fatigues with panels of woven reed armor hung over it. Patches of dried sedge grass attached to the outfit acted as thatch camouflaged in Mimban's spare underbrush. The elder wore repurposed Imperial issue army boots and a variety of Republic Era equipment including the on his cross strapped sensor headband, the comms unit attached to his left shoulder and the combat webbing across his torso. He fought with a modified BlasTech F-78 blaster rifle with a vibroblade attachment.

Behind the scenes

Iasento first appeared in the 2018 Anthology film, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and was first identified in the accompanying reference book Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo.


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story Ultimate Sticker Collection
  • Star Wars: Alien Archive
  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy






