Iana Percei

Iana Percei was a Mon Calamari female who served as the marshal of the village of U'ronoh on the planet E'ronoh. In 382 BBY, U'ronoh nearly fell victim to a deadly attack by the extremist group Children of E'ronoh, but the village ultimately suffered two total casualties thanks to their evacuation. After the incident had passed, Percei conversed with Captain Xiri A'lbaran of E'ronoh, who had been involved, and later attended a Remembrance at Siggi's tavern for the two losses. Following the ceremony, she spoke with Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, who had come with A'lbaran, about why she continued to live on E'ronoh and about the Force religion of the Path of the Open Hand.

Near miss and Remembrance

Iana Percei lived on the planet E'ronoh.

Iana Percei lived on the planet E'ronoh.

Iana Percei was a Mon Calamari female from the planet Mon Cala, which she left due to a civil war there. Percei came to serve as the marshal of U'ronoh village on the planet E'ronoh during the High Republic Era, distancing herself from her homeworld and rooting herself on E'ronoh—she forced herself to live through the war with E'ronoh's neighboring planet Eiram instead of running from it like she had on Mon Cala. In 382 BBY, U'ronoh was evacuated because of a threatened deadly attack by the extremist anti-Eirami Children of E'ronoh, who had disguised themselves as soldiers of Eiram.

The village avoided the brunt of the attack, and afterward, Percei addressed Captain Xiri A'lbaran, a member of the E'ronoh royal family who had been involved in the incident but survived. Thankful for her survival, she shook the captain's hand and commiserated with A'lbaran's misfortune. The Mon Calamari told A'lbaran, Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, and A'lbaran's betrothed, Phan-tu Zenn, all of whom had been involved in the situation, that the people of U'ronoh would help tend to their wounds and their damaged pleasure barge, the Amaryliss, as they waited for the rest of those who had evacuated U'ronoh to return.

Zenn inquired if there was a patrol ship nearby, as he had been told there was, but Percei explained that it had gone to the war effort against Eiram, adding that they patrolled the village themselves but did not need to deal with much ambushing as the mines were not yielding well. Percei then told the visitors that they would be holding a Remembrance in Siggi's tavern for the lives lost and that a medical droid was scanning for injuries among the survivors. Fascinated by the Jedi's presence, Percei conversed with Nattai on the way there. The ceremony that night consisted of stories about the two casualties: a Tintinna man and a tower guard.

Jedi chit-chat

Percei spoke with Gella Nattai (pictured).

Percei spoke with Gella Nattai (pictured).

Afterward, Percei sat in a booth with Nattai, commenting on the strong drink the Jedi had selected, a stinger. At a cough from the Mon Calamari, Nattai suggested that Eiram might suit her better than the desert climate in which she lived, which Percei confirmed she had tried but was unable to get past the blockade due to the war. When she continued, mentioning that a drought then set in, Nattai was curious why Percei would stay—the Mon Cala told her that it was not easy to leave a place.

Nattai responded, mentioning that Jedi were guardians of others' lives, but the human Kala sat down and dismissed the idea of fighting for peace. Percei apologized for Kala's pessimism—Kala glared at Nattai and continued to criticize the Jedi, which Percei scolded. The marshal, sighing and calling for a drink, explained that Kala was repeating what members of the Force religion of the Path of the Open Hand had been saying during their visits to E'ronoh. Nattai, interested, inquired further, so after she finished her amber-colored drink, Percei answered that they had claimed that the Force did not belong to the Jedi. This statement miffed the Jedi, but the marshal told her not to worry, mentioning that some young individuals in the town had gone with the Path but that it was not a concern. She then got up to join the dancing.

Personality and traits

Percei traveled far from Mon Cala in an attempt to get away from the civil war there. On E'ronoh, however, she stayed put and tried to wait out the conflict. The Mon Calamari had dark-purple spots on her head that were likely due to the sunny environment in which she lived.


Iana Percei wore a climate regulator around her neck that puffed small clouds of mist. The device sometimes made her voice phlegmier.

Behind the scenes

Iana Percei appeared in the 2022 novel Convergence, written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






