Hyperion Squad

Hyperion Squad was one of five elite clone commando squads that served within a troop of the Grand Army of the Republic's Special Operations Brigade during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The squad consisted of four commandos, with one leading as a clone sergeant.

In 19 BBY, following the activation of contingency Order 66, the members of Hyperion Squad deserted the army and became wanted fugitives of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Three weeks later, the newly appointed Sith Lord Darth Vader ordered the Special Operations Brigade, now a division of the 501st Legion known as the Imperial Commando Special Unit, to hunt down the Empire's fugitives, including the members of Hyperion Squad. Looking at the list of fugitives that needed to be assassinated, IC-1309, nicknamed "Niner," was surprised to find that Hyperion Squad had deserted the military following Order 66.

Hyperion Squad was first mentioned in Imperial Commando: 501st, the final novel in the Republic Commando series of novels, written by Karen Traviss and published by Del Rey in 2009.

Behind the scenes

Hyperion Squad was first mentioned in Imperial Commando: 501st, the final novel in the Republic Commando series of novels, written by Karen Traviss and published by Del Rey in 2009.



