Hyabb-Twith Campaigns

A growing crisis

The origin of conflict in the Hyabb-Twith Corridor could be traced back to the birth of the Galactic Republic as the governments of the Hyabb and the Twith systems vied for control of the region. When the Hyabb and the Twith defeated the people of Dachat in a series of battles, the remaining Dachat patriots fled their world and organized themselves in the Corridor as the Nelori Marauders. Establishing their base of operations in the disputed parsec of space between the Hyabb and Twith systems, the Marauders could launch attacks on either system without fear of retaliation; relying on the political tensions that would prevent either side from sending patrol ships into the disputed territory. After years of escalation, the Marauders began laying prey to Republic ships and assaulting worlds with membership in the Galactic Senate, drawing a straight line towards Coruscant. Conquest after conquest emboldened the Marauders and filled their coffers, allowing them to maintain their supplies and drive their campaign forward towards the galactic capital world. As the threat became more apparent and Republic citizens lost their lives to the Nelori Marauders, the Jedi Knights of Ossus assembled a strike force to cut off the Marauders and disband the group before they could do further harm.

Jedi intervention

Where Hyabb and Twith ships did not dare to enter the Corridor between their two systems, the Jedi task force tracked the Marauders to their primary base on the planet Voon and destroyed the majority of the Nelori ships in a cataclysmic assault that cost twelve Jedi lives. While victorious, the two dozen Jedi Knights faced a bloody counterassault into retaliation for the loss of their shipyard and base of operations. Five Jedi survived the assault, reinforced by 30 additional Knights, and began to prepare for a planet-side attack after the loss of the Nelori fleet. Slipping through Voon's defenses in sleek, weaponless, stealth ships, the Jedi attacked the remaining Marauders at dawn to find their base evacuated and showing no sign of occupation. Baffled, the Jedi were convinced that the Marauders could not have moved offworld without their two sensor ships in orbit detecting them. One of the Jedi, Arca Jeth, used his senses to peer deep beneath the facility's ground level and grew convinced the Marauders had delved deep into the crust of Voon. Together the Jedi moved through the rough-hewn tunnels, becoming increasingly wary of the depths to which they had descended. Jeth was the only Jedi to sense the darkness emanating from the cavern, and when the walls collapsed four Jedi fell immediately. As more than two hundred Nelori Marauders flooded the cavern with blaster fire, the Jedi did their best to fight back their assailants but were clearly overwhelmed as their numbers dwindled. Realizing that defeat was near, Jeth sensed the dark side at work in the cavern and began projecting a feeling of victory to the other Jedi. Immediately after employing this battle meditation, the tide turned and the emboldened Jedi defeated the Marauders. While half of the Jedi force had fallen in battle, the Jedi emerged from the caverns victorious. Over the next weeks, Jeth led the remaining Jedi to destroy the surviving Marauders. With the Nelori influence lost forever, the conflict in the Corridor came to a close.
