Hunt for Aurra Sing

But the Jedi were ambushed and forced to hide in an escape pod on a jungle planet. The Quarren Senator Tikkes and his entourage happened to come across them and allowed for the Jedi to travel with him. The team was soon able to meet with the Dark Woman whom the team encountered planetside; it was at that moment that Sing attacked them. Gallia was injured in the ensuing commotion but Hett was able to protect Tikkes from Sing and defeated her. Sing managed to escape when the entourage was forced to leave due to a meteor shower.


The former Padawan Aurra Sing had become an infamous assassin and bounty hunter after pirates kidnapped her during her apprenticeship and she was known to have killed several Jedi including Mana Veridi on Kwannot. In 30 BBY, Sing stalked three Jedi in the Coruscant underworld close to the Temple District. It was at this stage that she confronted and killed the Jedi Master Peerce and fellow Jedi Knight J'Mikel. However, Sing spared J'Mikel's apprentice, Xiaan Amersu, telling her that she wanted the Twi'lek to grow stronger so the two could have a rematch at some stage in the future.

The Jedi High Council was growing increasingly concerned with Sing's activities, and decided that a team had to be dispatched to find and capture her. However, the Council denied An'ya Kuro's request to lead the task force due to her connection to Sing as her former teacher. Instead, the Council elected to send Ki-Adi-Mundi, his apprentice A'Sharad Hett, and Adi Gallia to locate and capture Sing.

The hunt

The task force located Sing after some effort in the Kamdon system, however, the assassin ambushed them and destroyed their ship, forcing them to hide and take cover in their escape pod. Fortunately for them, the Quarren Senator Tikkes and his entourage came across their escape pod and took them in, permitting them to accompany him on a "business deal", which he lied to them about. Once planetside, the team began to explore their terrain, however, the senator's entourage opened fire on an obscure figure in the distance, relenting only when she was identified as An'ya Kuro.

Reunited with Kuro, Sing suddenly arrived on a speeder bike to ambush them and decided on killing each Jedi. Mundi ordered Hett to get Tikkes and his people to safety aboard their ship and guard him there, while he and his fellow Jedi rushed to confront Sing. Gallia successfully hurled a boulder at Sing, forcing her to crash her speeder into the forest. When investigating further, Gallia discovered that Sing had a collection of lightsabers from the Jedi she murdered, and when inspecting the wreckage concluded that Sing survived and was on the move. At that moment, Gallia rushed to help Hett and Tikkes, however, was hurled into the air and injured when stepping on a mine. Mundi saved Gallia, returning with her and Kuro to the ship to find that Sing had been wounded and rendered unconscious in a duel with Hett.

Hett was on the ship with Tikkes, who noticed that his aide Tracton had been killed, and realizing that Sing had snuck aboard. Hett immediately engaged Sing, but tapped into his anger in order to defeat her, remembering that it was Sing who had slain his father on Tatooine only two years previously.


Capturing Sing proved a major coup for the Jedi, however, a meteor shower forced a hasty departure from the planet's surface, and their haste allowed for Sing, who regained consciousness, to make her escape in the confusion.

Back on Coruscant, Gallia recovered in the Halls of Healing in the Jedi Temple, while Kuro took over Hett's training, in order to help him better control his emotions.












