Hunger Pains

Plot summary

In 3 ABY, just before the Battle of Hoth, a wampa's children say they are starving, and he explains that ever since humans arrived, the wampas' preferred food of Tauntauns has been in short supply due to domestication. Seeking to satisfy his children's hunger, the wampa begins a hopeless search for Tauntauns, but stumbles upon Luke Skywalker, mounted on one.

After hanging him upside down, in a fit of hunger, the wampa eats the whole Tauntaun, and decides to give Skywalker to his children instead. However, Skywalker uses his lightsaber to cut off the wampa's right arm and escapes, establishing the wampa as One-Arm. In the end, he gives his lost arm to his children, without telling them that it is not Tauntaun meat - or that it is in fact his own arm.


  • Star Wars Tales Volume 5
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Rebellion Vol. 5



